Approvals and Commendations
Episcopal Conference of Ecuador
Excerpts from the official Decree
(read by Canon Laszló Süllei)
Our Lady of Hungary, pray for us!
With these words, I establish in the Archdiocese of Esztergom-Budapest the ‘Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Movement’, as an ecclesial association of the faithful in Christ. It is a private association enjoying a juridical personality.
At the same time, I also approve for this Archdiocese the Statutes of this Association accepted in San Paulo, Brazil, on August 15, 2008 and as approved in the Archdiocese of Hermosillo, Mexico, on December 11, 2008.
I ask God to give His abundant blessings for the life and activities of this Association: May your activities serve the spiritual renewal of our homeland!
Budapest, Palm Sunday, 2009
With my blessings as pastor,
Péter Erdő
Cardinal, Primate and Archbishop
Additional Comments from Cardinal Erdő
Apostolic Blessing – Pope Francis

Bishop of Cruzeiro do Sul
Archbishop of Juiz de Fora
Archbishop of Natal
Bishop of Nova Iguaçu
Archbishop of Paraiba
Archbishop of Pouso Alegre
Bishop of São João da Boa Vista
Bertoua Archdiocese

Costa Rica
Ciudad Quesada

San Isidro

On October 22, 1996, the late Cardinal Bernardino Echeverria Ruiz (Archdiocese of Guayaquil, Ecuador) approved the statutes of the Flame of Love Movement and asked the Holy Father to give approval so that the Flame of Love would be accepted in the whole Church. The Vatican, through Cardinal Francis Stafford, responded to Cardinal Ruiz for the Holy Father: “I encourage you to continue so the Association bears abundant fruits among its members and the whole Church. I invite you to continue your duties as spiritual director.”
Letter of Cardinal Bernardino Echeverría Ruiz
With great devotion and emotion, we have read this book, Flame of Love, translated [into Spanish] by Father Gabriel Róna, S.J., and presented for approval prior to its publication. We must confess, with due sincerity, that we have found in the pages of this book the most beautiful and profound lessons of spiritual life, so much so that not only we believe it is appropriate to give the requested authorization, but also to recommend this book, which will contribute to deepen the demands of the Christian life.
Flame of Love is a new name given to that immense and eternal love that Mary professes to all human beings, for whom Christ offered His Life and shed His Blood. Likewise, Flame of Love is the name that expresses the love that Mary has for her children. Flame that enlightens, flame that warms up, flame that burns, flame that, while burning in the heart of Mary wants also to burn in the heart of her children, especially on Thursday and Friday, the days chosen for the prayer of reparation.
With this Flame of Love, which is the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we discover innumerable treasures of the five wounds of Christ, which are not only the refuge of the soul, but also the lesson of the Cross we need to understand when we make the sign of the Cross repeating one of the most simple and profound prayers. By the Holy Cross, He delivers us from our enemies. The Cross is the most powerful weapon to defeat the devil, the evil spirit, who dominates the world more and more every day.
The Flame of Love must be ignited to save all Christians and to save families. It will save fathers and mothers, and will help to sanctify priests. They will have a more effective ministry as they grow more like Christ. This Flame of Love should illumine every moment of the Christian life – the moments of suffering, of illness, of agony and of death. Even after death, this Flame of Love will continue to light the hope of those in Purgatory.
While giving the authorization to publish this beautiful book of love, we express the most fervent wishes that it will reach many and become an instrument drawing all closer to God, unceasingly enlightened by this eternal Flame of Love, which is the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Bishop Bernardino Echeverría Ruiz
Archbishop of Guayaquil, Ecuador
June 1989
Ivory Coast
Bishop of Agboville
Diocese of Granada
Episcopal Conference of Mexico
Bishop Pedro Hernández Cantarero
Archbishop of Cebu
Archbishop of Jaro

William Cardinal Goh
United Kingdom
Hungary – Critical Edition
Costa Rica – Spanish